Entries by atlanticirr

We’d LOVE Your Vote for Best of 2021

The votes are coming in for What’s Up Magazine‘s Best of 2021 awards. Each year we ask for your vote for Best Irrigation Install and Service and Best Outdoor Lighting, and we’d so appreciate your votes, this year especially! 2020 required that all of us approach things differently, and at Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation we […]

The Votes Are In!

We’ve been named the Best Irrigation and Outdoor Lighting Contractor We are excited to announce that Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation has won What’s Up Magazine’s “Best Outdoor Lighting” and “Best In-Ground Sprinkler Systems” for Annapolis and West County! We couldn’t be more proud to receive “Best Outdoor Lighting” for the 9th year in a row […]

We Want YOUR Vote!

Polls are now open for What’s Up Magazine’s Best of 2019! Each year, What’s Up Magazine gives you the chance to vote for your favorite local businesses in the Annapolis, West County, and Eastern Shore areas. We count it a privilege to have won Best Outdoor Lighting for many years and Best Irrigation Contractor for […]

Vote for Best Irrigation & Outdoor Lighting Company

We’ve been honored to win What’s Up Magazine’s Best Outdoor Lighting (2011-2017) and Best Irrigation Contractor (2017). We’ve won for many years because our clients voted for us and we’d be honored if you would cast your vote for us this year as well! Polls are open for What’s Up Magazine Best Of 2018. We’d be honored if you would take […]